Epreuve - Langue Vivante 1 BAC S, ES, L 2018 - Métropole

  • Epreuve : BAC S, ES, L
  • Matière : Langue Vivante 1
  • Classe : Terminale
  • Centre : Métropole
  • Date : mercredi 20 juin 2018
  • Heure : 14h00
  • Durée : 3h
  • Exercices : 2
Détails des exercices et corrigés associés
Points & Temps

Exercice 1 Anglais
10 points
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Exercice 2 - Anglais Ken / Clara Jones, a collector, is asked to write an editorial for the magazine Collector’s Monthly. Write his / her article entitled “Celebrating things of the past”. + Discuss the following statement by Elisha Cooper, an American writer and children’s books author: “A train is a small world moving through a larger world”.
10 points
Exercice 2 - Anglais Do you think that technical progress necessarily implies forgetting the past?
10 points
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Exercice 2 - Anglais Write Elon Musk’s inauguration speech for the Hyperloop in 2020, in which he reminds the audience of the evolution of transport and explains his vision of the future.
10 points
Corrigé via ultimedia

Exercice 1 Allemand
Corrigé via fr.scribd

Exercice 2 Allemand
10 points
Corrigé via fr.scribd
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